1 min to read
Munching / Overcapping
What the hell is munching?
Munching is taking an action that causes you to gain a stack of something that you are already at maximum stacks of, causing you to lose the stack you just generated.
- Casting Fireblast while you have Heating Up, and have a generator already in flight that will convert it into Hot Streak.
- Consuming a Hot Streak when you already have 8 stacks of Sun King’s Blessing
- Using a third Heating up generator and losing the Heating up because you already have Hot Streak and did not consume it.
Okay, what’s overcapping?
Overcapping is having a resource sit at its maximum stacks for any duration of time, thus not being on cooldown. A very simple example of this would be:
- I have three charges of Fireblast, they recharge every 10 seconds (made up number). I don’t use my first charge for 10 seconds because I don’t know any better. I then use it.
- What has occurred here is I got to use one charge of Fireblast in a 10 second window, when in reality I could’ve gotten to use two. The first charge at the start, and a second charge 10 seconds later.
- This adds up over a fight. In this particular example, for every 10 seconds total I overcap on Fireblast charges, I lose a usage. Even if I’m only overcapping for 1 to 2 seconds at a time, if I consistently do this for a grand total of 60 seconds, I’ve lost 6 uses of that spell.
Thus, overcapping resources is very bad and loses us uses of a said resource down the line.