Combustion Priority

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The Prio

What’s our goal in Combustion?

To do as much damage as possible! This means using all of our hardest hitting spells inside Combustion, and consuming as many Hot Streaks as possible!

Spell Damages:

When to Pyroblast versus Flamestrike


The way we play would be as if we were reading this list from the top down, every ms, and actioning on the highest item on the list available at the time

Note: Replace all Scorches with Fireball when your haste exceeds 100%, except the minimum amounts of Scorches required to maintain Improved Scorch

Okay dude, I’m not a friggin super computer. I can’t go down that list multiple times between each button press, what gives?

Combustion Prio rewritten:

This is a lot more simple than it looks. So let’s break it down for a person to read, not a computer. Don’t give up just yet, I promise by the time you’ve finished all the Combustion parts you’ll be able to pull this off with a bit of practice.

Note: all Scorches get swapped to Fireballs when your haste exceeds 100% (in double lust) except what few are required to maintain Improved Scorch if you are in Searing Touch.

Special Note: Combustion and Sun King’s Blessing have unique interactions with each other you should be aware of.

That’s the prio! I’ll be covering more on how to pull this off without a super computer for a brain over the next few sections, so bear with me!