ABC's of Casting

Always Be Casting

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Learning your ABC’s!

Practice this!

ABC’s is a simple acronym that stands for “Always be casting.”

It’s exactly as it sounds, you should ALWAYS be casting something. Never ever cancel your casts. Any gaps in your casting outside of the minimum required for the GCD is a damage loss, and will negatively affect your performance.

Wow has this very nifty thing called a spellqueuewindow (SQW) that we will be taking advantage of frequently. I’m not going to go into detail on this item, just leave yours at default. The only thing you need to know is that you should always be pressing your next spell before your current spells castbar or GCD has finished/elapsed.

That’s all there is to ABC’s, never stop casting, always be pressing your next cast before your current has finished. It takes some practice on a target dummy to do, but doesn’t require long. You will struggle with this slightly more as you transition from dummy practice to live content, but with time and practice you’ll learn to get this part down in live content.

Example of Bad ABC’s: Bad_ABC

Examples of Good ABC’s: Good ABC